Monday, December 5, 2011

1st Class a Success....

     The first class was a success - at least I think so!  We learned about ...working on a team; time limits; importance of building sturdy structures; what the rules of the class were; what is in the Mindstorms kit; saw a demonstration of a spider made from one of the servo motors crawl across the floor; and made our own little robot to show how much creativity we had.  The kids did great!

     That is a lot for a first lesson as I look back on it...and I didn't even get finished.  I had many more things I wanted to accomplish.  I wanted to show the social skills movie about being "Flexible" and do some programming with Robomind.  Those activities, along with more, will have to wait till next meeting.  There is so much to learn.  I get really excited with all the possibilities.

     After talking to the parents, we decided that we wanted to meet every other week, due to some scheduling difficulties with prior commitments.  That opened up the opportunity to teach another whole group.  We sent out our registration notice, and within 24 hours we had 10 kids sign up (we have 21 kids in all).  Some of the kids are older that might not be able to be on a FLL team, but they can certainly be mentors for FLL and still learn about robotics. 

     We, also unfortunately, had to create a waiting list for participants because of the overwhelming demand.  I might have to see if there is some other option, because I certainly don't want to turn anyone down.  The only other day I can teach would be Saturdays, but I am not sure if Ms. Jane or Sci-Quest can work that out.  I will have to talk to them...keep your fingers crossed.  :)

     Meanwhile, my living room continues to look like Legoland.  I have been trying to sort bricks, so I can just bring what I need.  I finally finished that but, I have got to get it all put away, so we can put up a Christmas Tree.  I am learning what it is to be a coach.  Well ... off to plan Friday's lesson.